P.O. Box 506, 943 Highway 425 North, Monticello, AR71655

Willie Mae Green
February 13, 2025

Willie Mae Green

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  1. Donna Lytle
    To the family of sister Willie Marie. My prayers go out for your comfort and strength during your time of mourning. I loved her. She came to the meetings faithfully as long as she could. She was an inspiration..
  2. Bridgette Freeman
    From my family to yours, please except our heartfelt condolences at this difficult time.
    Love you all
  3. Jo Ann Smith-Lee
    Prayers to Diane, Rodney and Mark and the rest of the family. May God give you all comfort during this difficult, Pig lived for over 90 beautiful years.
  4. Stacey Lockett
    Prayers to Rodney and Tonya from my family to yours on this loss!!! Pig was always a beautiful spirit
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