After high school, Sara became a flight attendant for Eastern Airlines. She then attended William Woods for two years and graduated from the University of Arkansas. She was a member of Zeta Tau Alpha. After graduating from Fayetteville, Sara went to the University of Arkansas at Monticello to become an English and Social Studies teacher. After teaching at Dermott and for Bellaire Academy, Sara became the GED Examiner for Southeast Arkansas. Because of her illness, she was forced to retire. She was involved in several literacy campaigns and always stressed the importance of education.
Sara was an amazing wife, mother, grandmother and friend. She was a very simple lady with a sweet personality and a dry sense of humor that kept those close to her laughing and happy.
She is preceded in death by her parents, Norman Trezevant and Agnes Dew Watson; her husband, Billy Gene Courtney, whom she married December 22, 1959; her daughter, Tanya Lee Farrell and her brother, Norman Trezevant Watson, II, "Trezy". She is survived by her daughter, Wendee Jenneane Courtney of Maumelle and two granddaughters who referred to her as "Gran", Kirby Ashton Farrell of Dermott and Courtney Isabella Reed of Maumelle and several nieces and nephews.
Dianne Herring
Dermott, AR Wednesday, February 12, 2014 Kirby & family:I was so sorry to hear about the loss of your grandmother. My thoughts and prayers are with you in the days ahead.
Dianne Herring
Randall Oliver Watson
Decatur, TX Monday, February 10, 2014 My condolences to Sara Lee's family. I am her fathers half-brother, hence her half uncle.Vernon F Kelley
San Antonio, TX Friday, February 7, 2014 I would like to express my condolences to the Courtney family. Sara Lee and I were classmates for 12 years at Hamburg High School. The class of l953 was very close nit group and Sara Lee was one of our leaders. She was a great friend and she will be greatly missed by all.Vernon F Kelley
Shirley Wells Hall
Monterey, CA Thursday, February 6, 2014 To the family of Sara Lee,I was a childhood friend of Sara Lee in Hamburg. A group of about seven girls were particularly close. We had many slumber parties and "spent the night" with each other many many nights. I have often thought of her and in fact corresponded with her in the '80s.
Shrley Wells Hall, Ed.D.
Bill Dew
West Monroe, LA Wednesday, February 5, 2014 Wendee and family. I am so sorry for your loss. Sara was my first cousin and a big part our family. She was truly a special person. May God comfort you during this time.Jolene Hicks
Mayflower, AR Wednesday, February 5, 2014 Wendee I have thought about you and your mom from the day you told me she was not will. I will continue to think o you during this time of loss.Nancy Dew Weems
Sugar Land, TX Wednesday, February 5, 2014 I am Sara Lee's first cousin, Nancy Dew Weems. My parents were William and Mildred Dew from Crossett. I grew up admiring Sara as my beautiful older cousin from Hamburg and I was the flower girl in her wedding! My most sincere sympathy to you, Wendee, and to your entire family.Beverly Cokley
Dermott, AR Tuesday, February 4, 2014 What a wonderful woman! She taught me in High School, then became a friend much later own. However, I have always admired her. I know that she is happy now that she is up there with Bill. She will be missed by all who knew her.Deepest sympathies,
Beverly Cokley
Dollie & Jim Blocker
Dermott, AR Tuesday, February 4, 2014 We will surely miss Sara. All who knew her have been blessed. God's Blessings and Comfort to all of you. She will be missed by many of us.Our Love to all of you.
Coby Chivian
Dallas, TX Monday, February 3, 2014 Although I did not get to meet Ms. Courtney I know that she was a wonderful woman. I know this because she raised a strong woman like Wendee and an amazing granddaughter like Courtney. I loved hearing the stories the girls would tell, especially the dachshund stories:) My condolences to the family.Blessings and love.
Coby Chivian
Maxine Reaves
Fort White, FL Monday, February 3, 2014 Thoughts and prayers are with you all. I worked with Sara for several years and thought a lot of her. I considered her a dear friend. May God keep you wrapped in his loving arms.Vicki Reaves Allen
McGehee, AR Sunday, February 2, 2014 Wendee...just wanted to let you know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Larry and I send you our deepest condolences. Your mom was a sweetheart.....I have nothing but fond memories of her. Wish I could've come to see you in person to share some of those memories.With love.....Vicki
linda funderburg
, AR Sunday, February 2, 2014 courtney family i am so sorry to hear of your loss sara was a sweet person our children went to school at bellaire together and we had some good times there..Heather Petty
Coppell, TX Saturday, February 1, 2014 You and Court are in my thoughts and prayers. You were your moms pride and joy Wendee. You have the best guardan angel watching after you. Love you lots.